Intellectual Property

We help safeguard innovations and protect creativity by litigating to enforce intellectual property rights and secure just compensation for infringement.


Intellectual property theft costs the U.S. economy as much as $1.2 trillion annually, impacting businesses and innovation.


The estimated annual economic impact of counterfeit and pirated goods in the United States.


Trademark infringement cases result in economic damages estimated at $29 billion annually in the U.S.


The number of jobs lost in the U.S. annually due to intellectual property theft and counterfeiting.
Theft and misuse of proprietary code is a devastating blow to the U.S. economy, contributing to an estimated annual loss of $265 billion.

Major innovations, such as advancements in technology, creative works, and groundbreaking inventions, underscore the critical importance of intellectual property (IP) protection. These innovations, alongside the growing digital landscape, face significant threats from infringement, counterfeiting, and unauthorized use. Violations of IP rights can lead to substantial financial losses, hinder innovation, and compromise the reputation and integrity of creators and businesses.

We help innovators, artists, and businesses protect their intellectual property and secure the compensation they deserve for infringements. Our firm is dedicated to justice and accountability by addressing a wide range of IP issues, from trademark infringements to trade secret misappropriation and copyright violations. We provide comprehensive legal services to help enforce and defend intellectual property, so our clients’ innovations and creativity are protected and rewarded.


We provide litigation services to help enforce your intellectual property rights and protect your assets from infringement and misuse.

In 2024, U.S. biotech IP, including key patents and innovations, is estimated to have contributed a significant portion of the sector’s overall economic impact, which was nearly $2.9 trillion in 2021.

Comprehensive IP Protection

Our legal team is dedicated to investigating, litigating, and securing compensation for IP infringement. Here’s how we can help:

Data breaches and unauthorized data use accounted for 25% of all IP litigation cases in 2023, reflecting the growing importance of data protection.

Your Rights

As a creator or innovator, you have fundamental rights to your intellectual property. These rights empower you to:

The global satellite communications industry faces billions in potential IP infringement cases annually, underscoring the importance of robust legal safeguards for space-based technologies.

Lawyers' Role

Our lawyers provide strategic guidance to maximize the value of your intellectual property. We offer:

How We Can Help

Trademark Infringement

Copyright Infringement

Trade Secret Misappropriation

Breach of Licensing Agreements


Digital Rights Management (DRM) Violations

Design Rights Infringement

IP-Related Antitrust Issues

Safeguard Digital and Creative Assets