Human Rights & International Law

Committed to global justice, our firm strongly advocates for human rights and international law, pursuing accountability for grave injustices including war crimes.


Since 1945, over 40 million of lives have been lost to genocide and politicide—politically motivated mass murder of civilians.


By the end of 2022, an estimated 108 million people had been forcibly displaced globally. This persecution, conflict and violence is a significant increase over the past decade.


According to UN estimates, since October 7, 2023 there have been 41,020+ Palestinians and 1,200+ Israelis killed, with 70,000+ housing units destroyed in Gaza and 1.9 million Gazans displaced.


The International Criminal Court has issued 40+ arrest warrants for crimes against humanity and war crimes since its establishment in 2002.
Globally, an estimated 40 million people are victims of human trafficking, subjected to forced labor and exploitation.

We are dedicated to upholding and advancing human rights and international law. Our team advocates for those who have faced human rights violations on a global scale, including genocide, war crimes, and other crimes against humanity.

We can help hold corporations accountable for complicity in terrorism. Our pursuit of justice can encompass cases like that of Lafarge S.A., a corporation that admitted to aiding ISIS with nearly $6 million, consequently generating $70.3 million in revenue and incurring a $778 million penalty. We are dedicated to holding such corporations accountable for their support of terrorist organizations.


In a world scarred by mass atrocities, our team confronts the challenge of pursuing justice for victims, navigating complex international legal landscapes to hold perpetrators of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and other systemic human rights abuses accountable. We believe in a world where human rights are protected and no one is above the law. We aim to hold perpetrators of mass atrocities accountable for their crimes, and to help victims fight for justice.

The International Criminal Court has over 30 cases addressing war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity as of 2023.

War Crimes

Quantifying war crimes victims globally is a complex task due to the fluid nature of conflicts and the diverse interpretations of war crimes. Victims are often in areas beset by ongoing warfare, governance instability, or targeted oppression, making accurate data collection challenging. Factors such as limited access to conflict zones and the propensity for these crimes to go unreported further complicate this task. Organizations like the United Nations, the Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International are dedicated to detailing the ramifications of war crimes on civilians.

An estimated 50 million people were living each day in modern slavery in 2021, an increase of 10 million people since 2016.

Victims' Rights

Victims of war crimes, genocide, and other crimes against humanity, possess inalienable rights that we are committed to upholding. These include:

Victims may have the right to reparations in the form of financial compensation for their suffering and to restitution for the restoration of property and rights lost.

Lawyers' Role

Examples of how we can help clients:

How We Can Help

International Advocacy

We can advocate at the global level help resolve state disputes and uphold human rights standards.

Rights Defense

Focusing in international and comparative human rights, we can help protect individual and group freedoms under international human rights treaties.

Criminal Accountability

We can help bring perpetrators of genocide, war crimes, and other crimes against humanity to justice through meticulous investigation, advocacy, and legal proceedings.

Corporate Accountability

We help hold corporations accountable if they’re complicit in terrorism.

Victims Representation

Our advocacy for mass atrocity victims encompasses legal support to navigate the path to justice, especially in cases of genocide and sexual violence.

Strategic Advising

We can offer legal advice to governments and organizations, to help formulate strategic responses to human rights violations.

Restorative Measures

We help secure compensation for victims, aiding their healing and the restoration of their rights.

Justice Mobilization

With a belief in the power of law for positive change, we mobilize justice for victims of rights abuses, no matter how long or challenging the fight.

Address Tech-Driven Human Rights Abuses

Advocate for victims of surveillance abuses and those harmed by autonomous weapons and targeted cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.