Employment Law
We advocate for employees who have been wronged, to combat discrimination, wage theft and other unlawful workplace practices.
“Employers steal billions from workers’
paychecks each year,” Economic Policy
Institute (May 10, 2017).
Commission, “EEOC Releases Annual
Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2022,“
(Mar. 13, 2023).
Lipnic, “Select Task Force on the
Study of Harassment in the Workplace,“
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (June 2016).
Safety and Health Administration, “What
is Workplace Violence?,” OSHA Fact
Sheet (2002).
Andy Lin, and Christy Mallory,
“LGBTQ People’s Experiences of
Workplace Discrimination and
Harassment,“ UCLA Williams
Institute (August 2024).
Use of Mandatory Arbitration: Access
to the Courts is Now Barred for More
Than 60 Million American Workers,“
Economic Policy Institute (April 6, 2018).
“Understanding Black-White Disparities in
Labor Market Outcomes Requires Models
That Account for Persistent Discrimination
and Unequal Bargaining Power,“Economic
Policy Institute (March 25, 2022).
Race Discrimination
Race discrimination exists across all industries, from subtle microaggressions to overt harassment or job loss—none of which should be tolerated. If you believe you’re being subjected to racial discrimination, trust your instincts. Our firm is committed to fighting inequality, with a focus on holding employers and colleagues accountable for discrimination.
“Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries
and Illnesses – 2021-2022,“ USDL-23-2359
(November 8, 2023).
Your Rights
- Discrimination & Harassment: Protection from unlawful workplace discrimination, with potential remedies such as reinstatement, back pay, compensatory, and punitive damages.
- Wrongful Termination: Possible compensation for lost wages and emotional distress in cases of unlawful termination.
- Wage & Hour Violations: The right to recover unpaid wages, including extra compensation and attorney's fees, for denied wages or overtime.
- Whistleblower Protection: Protection against retaliation for reporting illegal activities, with possible remedies like reinstatement and compensation.
- Workplace Safety: The ability to seek recovery for injuries caused by unsafe working conditions, including medical expenses and lost wages.
Experience of Workplace Discrimination:
A Qualitative Analysis,“ BMJ 2018; 363
(Dec. 12, 2018).
Lawyers' Role
Our team addresses discrimination, wrongful termination, and wage disputes.
- Challenge Discrimination: We address workplace discrimination and advocate for equitable treatment in employment.
- Whistleblower Protection: We help protect whistleblowers from retaliation, advocating so their concerns are heard.
- Contract Negotiation: We help negotiate fair terms, including benefits and severance agreements.
- Promote Rights: We help secure rights under FMLA and ADA, advocating for inclusive workplaces.
- Dispute Resolution: We aim for timely, efficient dispute resolution through negotiation and mediation.
How We Can Help
Combat Workplace Discrimination
Address Wage and Hour Violations
Challenge Retaliation and Wrongful Termination
Pursue Claims for Workplace Harassment
Protect Whistleblowers
Recover Unpaid Benefits and Pension Rights
Assist employees in disputes over denied benefits or pensions under ERISA, promoting compliance with fiduciary duties and pursuing compensation for financial losses caused by mismanagement.
Secure Leave Entitlements
Address AI-Induced Discrimination
Promote Pay Transparency and Equity
Advocate for Workplace Accommodations
Support for Family Caregivers
Represent employees facing discrimination due to caregiving responsibilities, promoting parental leave rights, workplace accommodations, and protection from bias under state and federal laws.
Protect Workplace Privacy
Class Actions for Systemic Violations
Lead class actions addressing systemic workplace violations, including wage theft, discriminatory policies, or unsafe working conditions, promoting justice for large groups of employees.