Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
We represent individuals and groups who have been harmed by data breaches, privacy violations and cyberattacks.
“Why We Need Global Rules to Crack
Down on Cybercrime,” World Economic
Forum (Jan. 2, 2023).
What Happens to the Law When the
Law Cannot Be Enforced?,” World
Economic Forum (Feb. 19, 2019).
Cybersecurity and Risk Management
are Crucial for Business Growth,” World
Economic Forum (Jan. 9, 2024).
“Healthcare Pays the Highest Price
of Any Sector for Cyberattacks — That’s
Why Cyber Resilience is Key,” World
Economic Forum (Feb. 1, 2024).
Cybercrime is one of the greatest transfers of economic wealth in history, siphoning trillions of dollars annually. This undermines both innovation and investment. As we increasingly live our lives on the internet, even the tiniest details can be exploited and weaponized against us. It’s essential to proactively safeguard against these vulnerabilities. We help address these challenges to protect your digital rights and privacy.
In cases of data breaches or cyber-attacks, we can work to secure just compensation for those whose personal information was compromised, and hold companies accountable for failing to protect sensitive data.
Data Breach Costs
Could Threaten Cybersecurity Measures.
Here’s Why – and How Tech Firms Are
Responding,” World Economic Forum
(Apr. 23, 2024).
Your Rights
- Class Action Rights: Massachusetts law empowers individuals to join forces in class action lawsuits for substantial data breaches.
- Privacy Act Claims: The Massachusetts Privacy Act empowers you to hold companies accountable that mishandle your personal information, with the potential to obtain compensation or other remedies.
- Breach of Trust: Data breaches at institutions with fiduciary duties to clients can lead to breach of fiduciary duty claims.
- Consumer Protection: Violations of consumer protection laws due to poor data security can result in legal claims against companies.
- Emotional Distress: Individuals may seek damages for severe emotional impact resulting from a data breach that leads to public embarrassment or personal hardship.
Lawyers' Role
- Data Breach Litigation: We represent victims of data breaches, working diligently to obtain compensation for identity theft, financial loss, and other related damages through individual or class action lawsuits.
- Privacy Rights Enforcement: If you've been affected by unauthorized data sharing, personal data misuse, or violations of laws like GDPR or CCPA, we can advocate on your behalf.
- Cybersecurity Incident Response: We offer strategic legal support for victims of cyberattacks. Our team assists in the aftermath of ransomware, phishing, and other cyber threats, including legal guidance and negotiating with adversaries.
- Regulatory Compliance and Advisory: Our advisory services help clients navigate and comply with the intricate web of data protection and cybersecurity regulations to prevent future legal issues.
- Technology Litigation: We handle matters in the technology sector including software licensing and service agreement disputes.
How We Can Help
Cybersecurity Incident Response
Privacy Rights Enforcement
Class Action Litigation for Data Breaches
Negligence and Security Failures
Employee Data Breach Claims
Advocate for employees harmed by breaches of workplace data involving personal or healthcare information, addressing employer negligence under Massachusetts privacy protections.
Biometric Data Privacy Violations
Assist clients affected by unauthorized biometric data collection, such as facial recognition and fingerprint misuse, using Massachusetts consumer protection laws and applicable federal privacy statutes.