Antitrust Litigation

We litigate antitrust cases to recover compensation for individuals and businesses harmed by anticompetitive practices.


In 2020, Blue Cross Blue Shield settled for $2.67 billion in a class action antitrust lawsuit for conspiring to limit competition in the health insurance market.


In 2015, Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, UBS, and Royal Bank of Scotland paid $5.6 billion to settle charges of foreign exchange market manipulation.


In 2018, Visa and Mastercard settled for $6.2 billion in a lawsuit over excessive card-swipe fees and antitrust violations.


In 2018, Google was fined approximately $4.8 billion by the European Commission for requiring Android manufacturers to pre-install Google apps to suppress competition.
In May 2009, the European Commission fined Intel €1.06 billion for anticompetitive practices in the x86 CPU market between 2002 and 2007.
Antitrust litigation is essential for maintaining competitive markets. Our team addresses issues including price-fixing, market allocation, monopolistic practices, and bid-rigging. We are committed to holding violators accountable and seeking remedies for clients affected by anti-competitive conduct. By challenging practices that restrict competition, we aim to protect consumer and business interests and promote market fairness.
Our Massachusetts-based firm represents plaintiffs in antitrust matters at state and federal levels. We assist individuals, businesses, and class action groups in navigating antitrust laws and procedures. Our work includes case evaluation, evidence collection, and collaboration with economic experts to build strong arguments. Through negotiation or litigation, we seek fair compensation while working toward market reforms that benefit consumers and businesses.


Our attorneys handle complex antitrust cases, focusing on holding companies accountable for practices that harm competition. We pursue remedies for clients affected by anti-competitive conduct to restore fairness in the marketplace.
The $74 billion Raytheon-United Technologies merger in 2020 was approved with required divestitures in military space and airborne radio markets to address antitrust concerns.

Antitrust Litigation

We represent clients in significant cases that address corporate misconduct and safeguard market fairness. Our focus includes:
In January 2022, the FTC sued to block Lockheed Martin’s proposed $4.4 billion acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne, citing antitrust concerns over reduced competition in the missile propulsion market.

Your Rights

As a consumer or business affected by anti-competitive practices, you have the right to seek compensation and fair market conditions. We can help you:
In 2018, the FTC approved Northrop Grumman’s $7.8 billion acquisition of Orbital ATK with conditions, requiring it to supply solid rocket motors to competitors to address antitrust concerns in aerospace and defense.

Lawyers' Role

Our team helps recover just compensation for those harmed by illegal anticompetitive practices. We:

How We Can Help

Price-Fixing Cases

Market Allocation

Monopolistic Practices

Bid-Rigging Allegations

Merger Challenges

Exclusive Dealing and Tying Arrangements

Digital Market Abuses

Pharmaceutical Antitrust