Securities Litigation

We represent individuals harmed by corporate wrongdoing, using securities litigation and whistleblower suits to pursue justice.


In 2019, Facebook agreed to a $5 billion settlement with the FTC over privacy violations related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal.


In 2020, Wells Fargo paid a $3 billion settlement to the SEC and DOJ over its fraudulent sales practices, including the creation of millions of fake accounts.


In 2020, Goldman Sachs agreed to pay over $2.9 billion globally to settle charges related to the 1MDB bribery and money-laundering scandal.


In 2022, Allianz Global Investors agreed to pay over $6 billion in restitution for misrepresenting risks and abandoning strategies in its Structured Alpha funds.
In 2022, cryptocurrency exchange FTX collapsed, leading to over $8 billion in investor losses due to alleged securities fraud and other financial misconduct.
Notorious incidents like the Enron scandal, the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, and the FTX collapse highlight the devastating consequences of financial misconduct. These events, along with insider trading and market manipulation, inflict trillions of dollars in losses when adjusted for inflation, destroy jobs, bankrupt businesses, and erode the life savings of countless individuals and families.
We help investors and workers recoup losses and safeguard their interests against the devastating impacts of corporate fraud. Our firm aims to enhance shareholder value and corporate governance by addressing a spectrum of corporate misconduct, from options backdating and insider trading to environmental harm.


White-collar crime often evades detection due to its intricate concealment methods and cross-border complexities, evidenced by a mere 1% detection and prosecution rate.

In 2014, Bank of America reached a record $16.65 billion settlement with the U.S. DOJ to resolve federal and state civil claims, related to financial fraud and the sale of toxic mortgage-backed securities, contributing to the 2008 financial crisis.

Corporate Accountability

Our litigation practice fights tirelessly for investors who have been harmed by corporate wrongdoing. We hold corporations accountable for securities fraud, ponzi schemes, insider trading, market manipulation, and accounting fraud. Our pursuit of shareholder actions, coupled with our unwavering support for whistleblowers, allows us to expose misconduct. We remain focused on enforcing fiduciary duties, protecting investors, and securing justice for those who have been wronged.
White-collar crime is pervasive and often goes unreported and unprosecuted, with occupational fraud alone accounting for over $3.6 billion in global losses annually, according to ACFE estimates.

Shareholders' Rights

We advocate for clients seeking to recover losses from fraudulent corporate practices.

Lawyers' Role

Examples of how we can help:

How We Can Help

Addressing Fraudulent Misrepresentation

We investigate and litigate cases where companies have misled investors through false or misleading statements, promoting accountability and compensation for affected shareholders.

Combating Market Manipulation

We act against pump-and-dump schemes, insider trading, and other illegal practices that destabilize markets and harm investors.

False Financial Statements

We represent victims of fraud and misrepresentation in cases where companies have issued false financial statements, leading to investor losses.

Failure to Disclose Material Information

We take on cases where companies have failed to disclose material information to investors, Promoting transparency and accountability in securities markets.

Insider Trading

We pursue cases involving insider trading to promote accountability, fair trading practices, and recover losses.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

We hold corporate officers and directors accountable for breaches of fiduciary duty, seeking remedies for investors harmed by conflicts of interest or negligence.

Stock Option Backdating

We litigate cases involving improper stock option backdating, aiming to recover losses for investors and enforce corporate governance standards.

Litigating Ponzi Schemes

We pursue legal action against orchestrators of Ponzi schemes to recover losses for defrauded investors and hold perpetrators accountable.

Hedge Fund & Private Equity Fraud

We handle cases involving significant fraud specific to hedge funds and private equity firms, such as misappropriation of funds, undisclosed risky investments, valuation fraud, hidden leveraged investments, and manipulation of performance metrics.

Combat Fraud in Emerging Markets

Combat fraud in emerging markets by challenging fraudulent Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and DeFi scams, as well as litigating algorithmic trading fraud on automated financial platforms.