Environmental Law

We represent clients in complex environmental litigation, advocating urgently to protect communities, defend ecosystems, and promote clean air and water.


90% of the world’s population breathes air that exceeds WHO pollutant guidelines, leading to millions of premature deaths annually.


About 70% of industrial greenhouse gases since 1988 are linked to just 100 producers, highlighting adverse corporate environmental impacts.


Around 8 million metric tons of plastic find their way into our oceans annually, wreaking havoc on marine life, ecosystems, and our food chain.


The global average temperature has risen by about 1°C since
pre-industrial times, and just 0.5°C more can significantly exacerbate risks of drought, floods, and extreme heat.

Every year, deforestation claims 10 million hectares for farming and logging, with even more lost to mismanagement, illegal operations, and intentional destruction like arson.

The dire need for climate action is clear as we confront unprecedented challenges: the atmosphere is burdened with gigatons of carbon emissions, sea levels rise threatening coastal communities, and vital ecosystems face the relentless threat of industrial pollution.

Our Environmental Law practice stands at the forefront, leveraging litigation to compel corporate responsibility, pushing for robust environmental regulation, championing renewable energy, safeguarding natural habitats, and advocating for transformative policies that prioritize the planet’s health and future generations.

Civil litigation can help drive corporate accountability, propelling decisive measures for net zero, electrification of transit, grid decarbonization, food system innovation, industrial cleanup, and carbon removal.


Annually, human activities contribute to more than 40 gigatons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (equivalent to the carbon sequestered by over 980 billion trees), exacerbating climate change and irreversibly altering the Earth’s natural balance.

Deforestation not only halts the absorption of 2.6 billion tons of CO2 by the world’s forests annually but also releases this stored carbon back into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate change.

Environmental Justice

Each year, people release billions of tons of greenhouse gases, including particulate matter and various pollutants from burning fossil fuels, into the atmosphere. These emissions are drivers of climate change and have a direct impact on health, including lung cancer—a leading cause of cancer-related mortality globally.

Civil litigation is crucial in holding polluters accountable and driving positive changes in policies that protect our environment and public health. We empower communities and individuals harmed by environmental hazards in class-action lawsuits, fighting to secure compensation for health problems and property damage caused by corporate negligence.

Human-induced climate change from burning fossil fuels and deforestation is accelerating glacier melt, threatening vital freshwater sources for billions, jeopardizing agriculture, drinking supplies, and increasing conflict over water scarcity.

Your Rights

Annually, over 300 million tons of plastic are produced, with just 9% recycled, resulting in pervasive microplastics from ocean depths to Arctic ice, and massive CO2 emissions exacerbating climate change.

Lawyers' Role

How We Can Help

Litigating Environmental Harm

Emission Reduction Litigation

Renewable Energy Advocacy

Sustainable Agriculture Enforcement

Ecosystem Defense

Industrial Accountability

Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Supporting Green Innovations

Toxic Exposure Claims

Address Environmental Damage by Emerging Technologies